The raw material price of solar mount has been rising 2024-05-08

The raw material price of solar mount has been rising

In the past two months, the raw materials for Solar panel mount have continued to rise, and the price has exceeded 20,000 yuan/ton.
The mainstream transaction price in the East China market is 20,570 yuan/ton. Driven by leading companies, the South China market performed relatively positively, but downstream shipments were also mediocre. The mainstream transaction price is 20,560 yuan/ton. On the supply side, the overall resumption of production in Yunnan is relatively smooth, but the actual growth of output is limited, and the production capacity ceiling still exists, and the supply increase is limited. On the demand side, the trade-in of old consumer goods for new ones continues to be emphasized. Coupled with the peak consumption season, downstream construction has performed well. Although there has been a short-term rebound in inventories, the downward trend has not changed and is still at a low level.
Although the price of raw materials has increased a lot compared to last year, Sunforson has always adhered to the principle of quality first, not reducing the quality, strength, and thickness of raw materials, and fulfilling customer order requirements with high quality and quantity.
For cost-effective Solar mounting system, sunforson is your first choice. Sunforson quality is trustworthy.

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