IEA calls for stronger solar, wind integration measures 2024-10-09

On September, The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest report warns that failing to support integration at the point of deployment could jeopardize up to 15% of solar and wind projects by 2030. This shortfall would reduce their combined share of the global electricity mix by 5%.

Strategic government action, enhanced infrastructure, and regulatory action are required to ensure the successful integration of newly deployed solar and wind, according to a new report by the IEA.

It said new solar and wind should be well-integrated into power systems at the point of deployment to avoid losing out on significant benefits. It warns that a failure to do so could result in solar and wind generation being 15% lower than projected in 2030, shaving 5% off their share of the global electricity mix and resulting in an up to 20% smaller reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector.

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