¿Cuál es el mejor montaje de panel solar para mi proyecto? 2023-04-11

Determinar qué tipo de su proyecto.

Un montaje de panel solar (o sistema de estantería solar) es la base que mantiene su panel solar en su lugar.

Los soportes se utilizan para unir paneles solares al techo, suelo u otra superficie de su propiedad. Con una instalación adecuada, un soporte resistente asegura sus paneles en condiciones climáticas adversas y protege su inversión. Antes de elegir sus productos de montaje, determine si está montando en el suelo o montando en el techo.

montaje en techo

Los soportes de techo tienden a ser la forma menos costosa de montar su sistema solar porque aprovechan la estructura de su techo existente para proporcionar una base para sus paneles. Esto ahorra dinero en material de estantería y costos de mano de obra para completar la instalación.

montaje en tierra

Soportes de suelo fijos

A standard ground mount uses a simple metal frame to support the weight of the rest of the system.The best way to secure a ground mount in place is to set the structure in a cement slab. If you choose to perform a DIY installation, you’ll likely need to rent equipment to dig footings and pour cement.

Determine how many solar panels you need.

You may think that the size of your house determines how many solar panels you need, but it doesn’t! To really understand how many solar panels your solar energy system needs, you need to determine the following: 

1.Your energy usage

2.Sunlight in your area

3.Panel wattage

The Solar Panel Mounts You Can Choose

After calculated the number of panels,you should choose the best solar panel mount to installation.

If your rooftop is flat, you can use tilt legs to face panels so that they are more perpendicular to the sun. Tilt legs simply lift the panels up to a fixed angle, so that they face directly into the sunlight.

Whereas most residential rooftops are sloped, flat roofs (or low slope roofs) are more common in a commercial setting. In these cases, tilt legs can be used to adjust the panels to the proper angle.

Recommended Flat Roof Mount :SFS-FR-02

SunRack SFS-FR-02 ballast mounting system adopts foldable triangular to save cost both on installation and transportation.It is a modular structure,which can be expanded from one module to any scale while maximizing the roof usage.Our professional engineer will propose the size and weight of ballast for the project you are involved.

Standard ground mounts are normally installed at a fixed angle and position, though there are adjustable options for certain applications.

Recommended Fixed Ground Mount:SFS-GM-01A

SunRack concrete base solar mounting is a highly versatile ground mounted solutions that can be widely applied in commercial and utility solar panel installation

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