The introduce of roof mounting systems 2024-04-18

There are many people want to install solar panels on their rooftop.How to choose a suitable roof mounting systems for their own house?


 As a rule of thumb, when considering the design of a solar roof-mounted system the designer must be able to ensure that the roof remains waterproof, is fire resistance, structurally strong and also meets electrical safety requirements. There is more than just electrical norms involved.

Among these type of mounting structures, you may also opt for one of several choices, so lets take a look at them.


There are pitched roof and flat roof 2 types of solar roof mounting systems.


A.The most typical pitched roof mounting racks are as below:
1. tile roof solar mounting racks

2.metal roof pv panel racks(trapezoid tin roof bracket,corrugated tin roof mounting with stud bolts and clip-lock solar panel clamps)

3.Shingle roof solar aluminum racking systems

4.Asbestos solar pv panel roof mounting racks


B. The flat roof configuration offers stability and maneuverability in the selection of orientation and tilt, although it is generally the considered option for commercial roof mounted, it is also possible to implement it in the residential sector if the roof is flat.The most typical flat roof mounting racks are as below:

1. adjustable solar pv mounting structures

2. Ballasted solar panel aluminum mounting systems

3. Fixed angle solar panel racking systems


Key points of solar racking on roof top


Solid structure withstanding load

Water tight, minimize penetration

Fire and lightening protection

Weight load to the roof

Flexible layout for more panels sometimes


Any questions about our solar mounting systems,welcome to contact Sunforson team.

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